Saturday 13 August 2011

Starting a Journey-Bismillah :)

Assalam-o-alaykum Wa Rahmatullah!
Another Ramadan in my life Alhamdolillah.Thought I would make it a month of new beginnings-aside from all the  improvements I bring about in myself as a Muslim inshaAllah.
Therefore ta-daaaa! A blog =D

I guess like every other young person on this planet I have lots to say.Everything that I read and see and hear triggers off many thoughts in my head but sadly since I cannot air my views to a book/article/YT video etc etc, all these thoughts remain crammed in my head (well at least till the time I relieve all that pressure by having imaginary debates and conversations and writing up a few articles in my mind-you know the drill, right??)

So now here I am.22 and with little or almost no knowledge of my Deen. Sure I know the Salah, can recite the Quran, have memorized a few Surahs, know how to fast, perform Umrah and your other basics but really is that enough? Our Deen is easy and simple but there are so many things that we can learn every day, every minute of our lives.
And you know what the worst part about it is?I was born in a Muslim family and have been Muslim my whole life Alhamdolillah. There are revert brothers and sisters out there who probably know much more than me mashaAllah!

So what exactly does being a Muslim mean?Does it mean that I cannot be called a Muslim unless I know some rules and regulations, have AT LEAST a certain amount of knowledge and so on and so forth?
Well technically I shall be a Muslim as long as I have said the Shahaada (i.e. testified to the fact that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad (S.A.W) is His Last Messenger) and believe in One God alone, in His Books and Prophets, in the day of Judgement, offer the 5 daily prayers and fast in the month of Ramadan.
But is it enough? If I were appearing for an entrance exam for a university that was my last hope for a degree,  would I make sure that I know just the basics?Or would I go the extra mile? Wouldn't I fear competition? Wouldn't I keep worrying about 'What if?' What if I fall a teeny tiny bit short?What if I am not good enough?What if my best isn't best enough?What if there are thousands other better than me and there are only limited seats?
The what ifs would surely torture me and push me to do more, learn more, study more, know more. Knowledge, my friends is the key and this Ramadan if I were to make only one resolution for the rest of the year it would be to gain more knowledge about my Deen inshaAllah and then implement it.After all knowledge without action is just that. A bunch of facts stuffed in your head. Once you use it, apply it, allow it to help you make yourself a better person, that's when it counts.

Umm I just realized the above post is not really what my blog is all about. My blog is all about the random musings of my mind. Of what I think as a Muslimah when I read and see certain things. Of my struggles to become a better Muslim. Of trying to find the middle path between the Deen and Duniya ( And that doesn't really mean partying hard in between the Salahs! -_- )
Any views aired here shall be my own, any mistakes my own, but may Allah guide me to speak only the truth and be guided in all I say and think.  Please don't think whatever I say is right-research it!

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